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Lenten Appeal 2024

“Who will roll away the Stone from the entrance of the tomb” Mark 16:3

This time of Lent is an invitation to, pause, and reflect on our lived relationship with God as followers of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Lent invites us to allow Jesus to roll away the stone of adversity that blocks the light of God’s word from entering our hearts and minds. This good news, like all good news, is something we must share with others.


“Hearts on fire, feet on the move…” (Pope Francis)


Our Priests on the missions need support so that they can carry out their pastoral duties and contribute to human development through various projects such as:

Education, Supporting Women's Groups, Environmental projects, Feeding Programs, Building,

Health Care, Schools, and Water Projects, to name a few.

They must work for justice and uphold the dignity and rights of every person.  Most of all they must train lay pastoral workers who will teach and minister to their own people.  This is an enormous task.  We cannot solve all the world’s problems, but we can lighten the burden of some.


One generation plant a tree, another gets the shade. (Proverb)

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