Occasion Cards (Scotland)
Our Occasion Cards are a prayerful way of remembering someone in our daily Masses and prayers.
We have a selection of specially designed cards to cover all occasions: Sympathy, Thank You, Bouquet, For Your Intentions, Anniversary, Birthday and Special Occasion, Healing Love/Get Well, Christmas, Easter and St. Patrick’s Day.
In the name of a friend, or in memory of the deceased, a donation is made to our missionary work. The friend or deceased in turn is enrolled in the Masses and daily prayers of our Society for one year.
The cards are free; a donation is made only when the cards are used.
E1Happy Easter |
E2Easter Blessings |
Ordination Anniversary |
GW2HealingLove |
TOY1Thinking of You |
TOY2Thinking of You |
ToY3Thinking of You |
SPO1On This Special Occasion |
SPO2On This Special Occasion |
SPO3On This Special Occasion |
SO4On this Special Occasion |
ABFY1A Bouquet for You |
BDY1Birthday |
BDY2Birthday |
BD3Happy Birthday |
TKY1Thank You |
TKY2Thank You |
SPD1St Patrick's Day Blessings, Enrolment Card |
SPD2St Patrick's Day - Greeting Card |
SYM1In Sympathy |
SYM 2In Sympathy |
SYM3Sympathy |
SYM 4In Remembrance - Sympathy |
SYM5With Heartfelt Sympathy |
SYM6Deepest Sympathy |
SYM 7Smypathy |
SYM8With Sympathy |
SYM 9Sympathy |
Rem1In Remembrance |
GWL2Get Well |
FYI1For Your Intentions |
FYI2For Your Intentions |
FYI3For Your Special Intentions |
FYI4For Your Intentions |
Perpetual Memory
Anyone (living or deceased) whom you enrol using our Perpetual Folders are remembered daily in the Masses and prayers of the priests and students of St Patrick's Missionary Society.
Our Perpetual books are widely used to remember deceased family members and friends. They have a padded leatherette front and back cover. The Society name is printed on the front cover.
To find out more about our Occasion Cards or Perpetual Enrolment please contact us in Scotland:
Tel: (01786) 447722
Email: stpatricksscotland@spms.org