Prayer Guides (Scotland, England and Wales)
Our prayer guides are a useful accompaniment to daily prayer and reflection. They are pocket size, laminated with accordion fold and will fit into a small purse or wallet.

Stations of the Cross
To pray the Way of the Cross requires that you meditate on each station. Before each station you say: “We adore you, O Christ and we praise you. Lord by your Cross and Resurrection, you have redeemed the world.” After each station, you may say an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
The Stations of the Cross prayer guide has 14 stations. Each station has a short reflection and a bible reference. The station images are from the The Student Chapel, Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co Tipperary, Ireland.

Pray with Me, Prayers for Children
This guide introduces prayer in a bright and easy manner, with colourful images, to suit children from ages 8 to 12 years. The guide includes the following prayers to say with your children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews: Angel of God, Act of Contrition, Prayer Before and After Communion, Morning Prayer, Night Prayer, Grace Before and After Meals, the Our Father, the Hail Mary and more.

Prayers in Time of Need
This prayer guide is for those times when we need a little extra to face the obstacles in our lives.The guide includes prayers to St. Peregrine (Patron of cancer sufferers), St. Blaise (Patron of illnesses of the throat and mouth), St. Gerard Majella (Patron of expectant mothers), St. Anthony (Patron of those suffering a loss), Prayer In Time of Grief, and more.

Daily Prayer
This is a useful guide to well known prayers. Use it at home, in church or whenever you have a quite moment to spare. Prayers included are: The Angelus, The Apostles’ Creed, Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, The Memorare, Our Father, Hail Mary, Act of Contrition, and Prayer for Holy Rest.

The Rosary
The Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Rosary guide contains the Joyful Mysteries, The Mysteries of Light, The Sorrowful Mysteries and The Glorious Mysteries as well as The Angelus, The Apostle’s Creed and Hail Holy Queen. The guide also tells you which Mystery to pray on each day of the week.

St Patrick's Novena
On March 17th, we celebrate St Patrick, our patron. In preparation for St Patrick's Feast Day, we pray St Patrick’s Novena. It starts on March 9th and concludes on the 17th, St Patrick’s Day. This prayer guide covers the 8 days of the novena with a short reflection for each day followed by three novena prayers.