Glory to God in the highest
and peace to his people on earth.
This is the night of reconciliation;
let us be neither wrathful nor gloomy on it.
On this all-peaceful night let us be neither menacing nor boisterous.
This is the night of the Humble One, let us be neither proud nor haughty.
On this day of forgiveness let us not avenge offences.
On this day of rejoicings let us not share sorrows.
On this sweet day let us not be vehement.
On this calm day let us not be quick-tempered.
On this day that the Rich One was made poor for our sake, let the rich also make the poor sharers at their tables.
On this day a gift came without our asking for it,
let us then give alms to those who cry out and beg from us.
This is the day when the high gate opened to us for our prayer.
Glory to God in the highest
and peace to his people on earth.
(St. Ephrem of Syria)
Lord Jesus, give us courage to live the life you offer us, and let your light shine in our lives. Bless the people of Bethlehem, and all who live in the lands in which you lived and walked. Bring them peace. Amen.