After a winter that was not too severe, we now savour the joys of Spring and await the new life of Easter. God brings creation alive at this time of the year. God, also, brings new life and hope to us at Easter. As each new day begins, we remember that God has raised Jesus from the dead and He gives life, hope, and help to all who believe in him. We place all that happens to us in God’s hands.
From Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday we will remember, especially, the intentions of our benefactors in all the ceremonies of those sacred days.
We all need to hear words of light, hope, and encouragement. The past two years have been difficult and trying for everybody. We remember, especially, at this time Ukraine and its suffering people. We pray that Mary, Queen of Peace, will intercede for Ukraine and we pray that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will bring peace to that troubled land.
As we place the card with your private intentions before the altar in our Chapel here in Kiltegan during Holy Week and the Easter Season, we pray:
“Lord, be the Resurrection and the Light for anyone anywhere who knows suffering in any form.”
May God listen to your intentions and petitions. Because Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead, we are assured that all that happens to us, is in God’s hands. We can, now, face the future with hope and confidence that God who took care of us in the past will look after us now and in the future. May the message of Easter stay with you and your family throughout the year.