Last weekend, a small farewell was held for Fr Martin Mulholland to thank him for 3 years of service as Director of Initial Formation in St Patrick’s Formation Centre, Foxdale, Lusaka, Zambia. Martin takes up a new role in KwaPatrick, the Society’s Formation House in Cedara, South Africa, later this month. Fr Darlington Muyembe will be the new Director in Foxdale. Best wishes to Martin and Darlington in their new roles from the staff and students at Foxdale.

Fr Martin with students at the Formation Centre. Left to right: Mphatso Muwamba (Malawi), Titus Otsieno (Kenya), Fr Martin, Hayden Siamasambwe (Zambia), Jonathan Chakudza (Malawi), Elias Phiri (Zambia), Joseph Nyeri (Kenya).

Fr Martin with the new Formation Team: Fr Darlington (Director) and Fr John Moindi, volunteer from Eldoret Diocese in Kenya.

Fr Martin with Sr Kay O’Neill, FMDM Srs (left) and Sr Sue McGreggor, Presentation Sister.

Fr Martin with Fr PJ Breen SPS, Parish priest of St Faustina Parish in Lusaka where the Formation Centre is situated.

Fr Martin Mulholland, outgoing Director of Initial Formation with Fr Darlington Muyembe, the incoming Director.