Rejoice! For the Lord is near! The joy of the kingdom is anticipated.
“There stands among you, unknown to you, the one who is coming after me.” John the Baptist was a witness sent from God. His is the voice of hope. His words echo through the wilderness of our world and our lives. Before John, Mary was proclaiming the greatness of the Lord. And before Mary, there was Isaiah. He was anointed to bring good news to the oppressed, to help the broken-hearted and to proclaim liberty to captives. Each one – John, Mary, Isaiah – is a witness of hope.
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December 17th to 23rd: The O Antiphons for the Magnificat of Evening Prayer in the final week of Advent.
December 17th marks the beginning of the “O Antiphons”. The antiphons are based on the titles or names that belong to the Christ born in Bethlehem. They shape our speech, how we address the Christ, how we long for him as we cry out: “O Wisdom.... O come....” The antiphons highlight different facets of the wonder of Christmas. This tradition, which comes from Evening Prayer, has been around since at least the eighth century.
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