The Fool’s Dance Gestalt Company -
The Paul Rebillot Group in Ireland present:
Death and Resurrection
Illuminate your life
by facing the reality of your death.
A seven day residential workshop.​
Start: Sunday 27th October at 3:00pm
Finish: Saturday 2nd November at 5:00pm
Venue: Slí an Chroí Centre for Spirituality, Ecology & Wellbeing
Cost: €1200 (includes bed and board)**
€1100 Early Bird Rate (if full fee paid by 27th September 2024)
* To book see:
Please note: A booking deposit is required to confirm your place
**A limited number of bursaries may be available for those who are strongly attracted to the workshop but would find the full fee beyond their reach. If you have queries about this - or any other matter - you can contact us directly at
Why should I (or anyone) take part in a Workshop about Death?
Because living our lives in the full awareness of our inevitable death (and this is not the same as being morbidly obsessed with death) offers us a more realistic and enriching perspective on life itself, on the decisions that we make and on how we choose to live.
Up until the early 20th century death was always very close at hand - especially for the young - and very visible. In our times everybody still dies, of course, but most do so in old age and in hospital rather than in the bedroom upstairs, the house next door or in the street outside. This increased privacy of death, however, came with a psychological price-tag. It was now much easier for us to banish the reality of our death to some vaguely-imagined but comfortably distant future. For much of the time we managed not to think about our death at all and live our lives as if we were immortal.
And now - with the coming of Covid and the climate crisis - the wheel has turned again. Our complacency that death is something that we really don’t need to think about until some time in the future has been seriously challenged and it is clear that avoidance of such an important feature of our lives is really unhelpful, given the inevitability, the unpredictability and the overwhelming significance - to ourselves, at least - of our death.
The ‘Death and Resurrection’ workshop offers you an opportunity to:
• Confront your own death, that ultimate taboo of today’s culture.
• Explore ways to move creatively through life’s transitions, letting go of what binds you negatively to the past while courageously welcoming the future.
• Use a combination of ritual and Gestalt process to prepare for your death by reviewing your life, completing unfinished business, writing your will and planning your own funeral.
• Examine your life process with the focus on its ending, thus discovering what is - and what is not - genuinely important to you and illuminating the true meaning of your existence.
• Gradually let go of your attachments to persons, things, and self-images until, at last, symbolically, you are able to die and then be reborn to create a new life the way that you wish.
• Discover how you might complete your life beyond the workshop so that you can go forward towards your eventual death, no longer seeing it as an interruption, but rather as the fulfillment of all that has gone before.
For more information, see website: